Julie & Chris

Julie & Chris met each other at a bonfire. Both were going through some challenging times and have been inseparable since that first night. You might call that fate. Who could have foreseen that 6.5 years later they would be married three years, settled in to a new home and enjoying fulfilling careers. Chris is an automotive mechanic and Julie helps uninsured pregnant women in her community obtain medical coverage through the state of Missouri. They enjoy the outdoors, family & friends, music and their two dogs. Chester is a rescue Miniature Pinscher who recently turned 19 and Nola is a Boston Terrier with tons of personality. 

When they finally felt comfortable enough to begin their journey to start a family, they knew Julie’s advanced maternal age could create some barriers to success. After trying for one year, they sought out the advice of a specialist for Julie’s suspected endometriosis. After lots of testing and a diagnostic laparoscopy, zero abnormalities were discovered. They turned their attention to Chris. Two semen analyses later and the worst-case scenario was confirmed. Chris was diagnosed with Azoospermia (absence of sperm). With medical insurance covered $0 of treatment, they had some hard choices to make. They had to grieve the loss of a biological child and the simple and fun way of bringing a baby into this world. Fortunately, they came out on the other side of depression ready to take action and to tackle this head on. 

They began treatment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. She recommended IUI with donor sperm or IVF. Since everything looked good on Julie’s end, they proceed with IUI and donor sperm. After three unsuccessful attempts, one of which was pretty traumatizing, they were at the end of the road with IUI. By some kind of miracle after a few medications for Chis, he had one semen analysis show some possibility to produce biological children. Finally some good news! They vowed to pay down the debt they have acquired trying IUI and move forward with IVF.

Julie spent hours researching the best clinics for IVF in Missouri. She spoke to several clinics getting financial quotes along the way. She was researching ways to help with the cost of IVF and came across IVF grants. Julie soon found not all IVF grants were made equal. They did not quality for so many for one reason or another. She found Parental Hope and suddenly it seemed like a possibility, so they applied.

“The “Hope” in Parental Hope is so appropriate. What a blessing to take a huge part of the stress and worry away from an already so arduous journey, a journey that touched every aspect of life. The Parental Hope Grant has changed our whole perspective. We can now just focus on the task at hand. The pressure of the financial part is gone. It has helped us regain some of ourselves back and breathe a sigh of relief.”

Albert Schweitzer once said, “At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

“Parental Hope has helped us find our flame again. We know the road ahead is bumpy but we feel like we are not in this alone. We are overjoyed to be a part of the Parental Hope Family.”