Lana & Benjamin

Ben and Lana met in November 2017. After just 9 months of dating, they knew they wanted to build a life and a family together. They were married in January 2019 and just a little over a year later purchased their first home. It was shortly after this purchase and getting a bernedoodle puppy, that they decided to start trying for children.

Having watched many of their friends and family go through infertility and miscarriages, Ben and Lana’s desire was always to stay connected with each other through however long the process would take. After a year of trying, they decided to go through the process of getting checked out at IRH to be sure there were no obstacles to getting pregnant. The news came as a shock when they found out they would only be able to have biological children through IVF.

“We always knew from the time we started dating that we wanted to have children. It was such a shock to jump from thinking maybe we may need some assistance getting pregnant to our only option being IVF. Without the help of a grant like Parental Hope, we would have been hard-pressed to afford IVF.”

They are excited to start the process and complete their first transfer as soon as possible. “After trying for so long and processing the shock of the news, we are anxious to become parents and feel blessed beyond belief to be chosen for this grant!”

Ben is a Firefighter/Paramedic and Lana is a Freelance Copywriter. In their spare time, they like to rock climb, hike, play board games, and cuddle their dog, Momo.